This couple was so much fun to shoot because first of all, they have fun personalities and were game for anything, and second they are so in love it simply jumps off the pictures!
I combed through the 3,000 some odd photos that I took yesterday and here are a few of my favorites! I really hope you guys like them because I am super excited about these photos! I rented a lens yesterday from Murphy's Camera and I do believe that I am going to have to make a purchase here soon, I am now in love with the Canon 50mm F/1.4. I really think the clarity that it has is unmatched to my other lenses.
Love the shoes and jewelry, I love it when brides have funky shoes!
Love this one, one of my favorites!
The flowers were so pretty!
Can you see Haley's reflection?
My Favorite! Believe it or not, 100% unedited.
Huge props to the girls! Most bridesmaids refuse to jump, these girls all got some air on their jump!
My favorite detail of the day, their programs were fans! Great idea for outside weddings!
This couples has some moves!